Tag: street theater

Fairytale weekend in the center of the Capital: The Bucharest International Street Theatre Festival B-FIT in the Street! #12 is about to start

Fairytale weekend in the center of the Capital: The Bucharest International Street Theatre Festival B-FIT in the Street! #12 is about to start

This weekend, the streets in the centre of the Capital will be animated by the 200 international artists from Italy, Spain, The Netherlands and France, who will perform during the 12th edition of the Bucharest International Street Theatre – B-FIT in the Street!, organized by the Capital City Hall, through ARCUB – the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Bucharest, together with the Culture, Education, Tourism Directorate.

Thus, between June 30 and July 2, the public will enjoy a real summer season holiday, whose schedule includes shows on water, aerial acrobatics, live installations, live music, itinerant shows and encounters with fantastic characters.

The festival starts on Friday, June 30th, at 16.00, in the University Square, with the aerial acrobatics live installation “RoZéo”, presented by the French artists from Gratte Ciel company, and the special show that marks the official opening of the Bucharest International Street Theatre Festival B-FIT in the Street! 2023, the French production ‟TAWA”, will take place in George ‟Enescu Square”, from 20.00. Artists from the most famous international circus companies will perform in ‟George Enescu” Square in a 360-degree aerial acrobatics show, in which dance and live music blend with incredible numbers of human endurance and impressive chromatic explosions.

The first day of the festival also holds three performances of the interactive musical show ‟Street Piano” (Italy), from 18:00, 20:00 and 22:00, on the sidewalk in front of the National Art Museum of Romania; an innovative music and dance show, performed by two street artists, who invite the passers-by to a dynamic play, with an oversized keyboard installed on the asphalt. From 19:00, on the ‟George Enescu” Square – Revolution Square – Music Store route, giant puppets, inspired by the fables of the French writer Jean de La Fontaine, will dance to upbeat music and amplify the street party atmosphere with the itinerant show Animal Fairytale” (France).

In parallel, in the University Square, on Lipscani, Gabroveni and Roma Square in the Historical Centre, large scale graceful swans, parrots on stilts, Batucada drummers and fantastic characters will electrify the audience with the shows ‟Les Cignes” (Italy), „Stilt Parrots” (The Netherlands),Batucada Los Vikingos” (Spain) performed between 18:40 – 23:00.

For the first time in the history of B-FIT in the Street! Festival, the river Dâmboviţa becomes the stage for two nocturnal shows on water.  ‟DriFt” and ‟The Whale Street Show” will be presented by the French company Ilotopie on Saturday, July 1st, starting with 21:00, in the Dâmbovița river – United Nations Bridge area, and will continue to the Victory Avenue until the cross with Queen Elisabeth Boulevard.

Also on the second day of the festival, the organizers bring to light new effervescent artistic productions: from the dance and acrobatics show ‟Flower Sway Poles” (Italy), in which the protagonists dance on giant white flowers in the University Square, to the sound installations ‟Big Ears” (France), placed on the festival route, to the itinerant show Dodos (France) in the Odeon Theatre Square, in which the huge dodo birds explore the centre of the city to looking for local rites, traditions or food habits, to the parade show 20’ Street Ballet (France) inspired by the world of timeless elegant French cabarets, which brings the ’20s vibe to the streets of Bucharest.

On Sunday, July 2nd, street shows will continue to spread joy with a new series of itinerant performances between 18:00 – 23:00. 

At 21:00, ‟George Enescu” Square becomes the host of a new grand show, titled ‟Meraviglia”, created by the company Sonics in Italy. With evocative aerial acrobatics and a fantastic scenery, spectacular set pieces and special effects make ‟Meraviglia” a memorable show that will fascinate audiences of all ages.

The full schedule for the International Street Theatre Festival B-FIT in the Street! 2023 is available on arcub.ro and fitsb.ro

Project organized by The Capital City Hall, through ARCUB – the Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Bucharest, together with the Directorate of Culture, Education, Tourism

Main partners: Radio Europa FM.

Media partners: Radio Bucharest FM, Agerpres.ro, Bucharest Transport Company, Yooh

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

Details on www.arcub.ro

ARCUB – the Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Bucharest cultivates the cultural identity of the Capital City since 1996. The projects initiated and carried out by ARCUB during its years of activity have contributed to the diversification of the cultural life of the city, as well as to its inclusion among the great capitals of the world.

ARCUB is the organizer of The International Light Festival – Spotlight, The International Street Theatre Festival – B-FIT in the Street!, of the only international jazz festival in the Capital City, Bucharest Jazz Festival and of Bucharest Days.

Contact person (press):

Nicoleta Ion – PR Manager

ARCUB – Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Bucharest

E-mail: nicoleta.ion@arcub.ro

Tel: 0729.97.94.93


The Whale Street

The Whale Street

#streettheather #MobyDick

one time performance

July 1 2023

21:45-22:30 – Calea Victoriei with Regina Elisabeta Boulevard – Splaiul Independenței – United Nations Square 

In The Whale Street, Captain Ahab embarks on a veritable urban odyssey in pursuit of the legendary cetacean. Drifting through the streets of the city, his obsessive quest and desire for revenge seem to lead him to his doom. As the end of his journey draws near, the beast wakes up. The two sides stare at each other: the self idolizing captain and his henchmen are going to brave the chthonian creature.

The show adapts the best-selling Moby Dick on the scale of a city. The different adventures of the story are staged to the rhythm of live music, narrated thanks to the prowess of the circus artists, and the performances of the dancers. The encounter with the legendary creature, its pursuit, and their final battle make the streets of the city the pages of this spectacular novel.

Flower Sway Poles

Flower Sway Poles


July 1 2023

18:00-18:12 / 20:00-20:12 / 22:00-22:12 – University Square – (statues area)

July 2 2023

18:00-18:12 / 20:00-20:12 / 22:00-22:12 – University Square – (statues area)


Situated somewhere between a dance performance and an acrobatic show, Flower Sway Poles is an invitation to daydreaming.  Two artists perform on giant white swinging flowers. These two skilled artists will interact with each other oscillating with the flowers, making them rotate and creating an enchanted choreography.


Duration of the show:  3 sets of 12 minutes per day

The Fair

The Fair

The Fair is the most recent production of Masca Theater and it is a strange mixture of mystery and derision, cheerfulness and sadness, worldliness and uncanniness. With its eight tents in which very strange things happen, The Fair lures its spectators to enter the world of illusion and experiment, among other things, with The Dance of the Skeleton, The Smoke Dress, The Bearded Woman, the Dragon and the Golden Apples, Aladdin’s Lamp, Da Vinci’s Octagon.